Richard Handler, Jefferies CEO, got$ 12 million cash and restricted stock bonus in 2009. 投资银行Jefferies的CEO汉德勒(RichardHandler):2009年获得的现金和限制性股票红利共计1200万美元。
Last year, Mr Ruprecht was paid$ 8.8m in salary and stock bonus as the company rode the crest of the art market boom. 去年,鲁普雷希特获得了880万美元的薪水和股权奖励,因为该公司赶上了艺术品市场热潮的顶峰。
If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send, give bonus), criterion your whats need not be done. 假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。
Those who refuse to sign will forfeit the stock portion of their annual bonus. 拒绝签约的人将失去年度奖金中的股票期权。
10000 RMB/ month depends on qualification, skill and experience+ national holiday, labor regulation leave, stock options, and monthly, quarterly and yearly bonus. 月薪视乎学历、技能、经验。国家假期、劳动局标准有薪假期、认股权、月季年奖金。
In the foreign stock market, investors named those huge companies who havedominant station, outstanding achievement, steady development, large scale of stock, favourable bonus as blue chips. 在海外股票市场上,投资者把那些在其所属行业占有重要支配性地位、业绩优良、发展稳定、股本规模大、红利优厚的大公司股票称为蓝筹股。
Accounting Research on the Employee Stock Bonus and Option 员工分红配股与认股选择权之会计处理研究
What cries blue chip? With red prepare what is the area? If you like to want the equity of this stock ( share out bonus or send, give bonus), criterion your whats need not be done. 什么叫蓝筹股?与红筹股的区是什么?假如你喜欢要这股票的股权(分红或送、赠红股),则你什么都不用做。
Large shareholders appear to be taking a tougher line on executive remuneration and stock option-based bonus plans in the wake of the high-profile failures in the financial industry. 在金融业一系列备受瞩目的失败之后,大股东们似乎准备对高管薪酬和股权红利计划采取更为强硬的态度。
Stock means a share certificate, issued by joint-stock enterprise or company whereby to certify the shareholders 'ownership of the stock and authorize them to earn share interest and bonus. 股票是股份企业或股份公司发给股东,证明其享有股票所有权,股东可凭此取得股息和红利的证书。
Analysis to the Capital Structure and Stock Bonus Policy of Public Company 上市公司的资本结构和股利政策分析
Based on study of two different cases, stock without payment of bonus and stock with payment of successive bonus, this paper gives formula of Europe style option risk index var. 基于考虑股票不支付红利和支付连续红利的两种情况,本文给出了欧式期权风险指标var的计算公式。
To buy and sell ( stock, for example). Bonus share: A share given as a Bonus to purchasers of shares. (股票)交易购买及销售(如股票)红利股:作为红利赠送给股票购买者的股票。
On the basic of analyzing the characters and theories, the paper gives the single-factor pricing model by stock price without bonus and with bonus. 然后在对可转换债券的基本理论与特征分析的基础上分别介绍了只考虑股票价格的单因素定价模型、有股票分红情况下的单因素模型。
This paper gives a model of arbitrage model of stock with regression methods, and makes statistic analysis of Shanghai stock in 1996.The result is that price of a stock is linear with its return, current capital stock and bonus share. 利用回归分析方法给定了一种股票定价模型,这种模型是APT模型的改造与实践,并结合沪市1996年数据,给出了模型的参数估计及检验。
After brief analyzing characteristic and the lack of traditional bonus motivation mechanism and stock expect, this paper designs and analyzes three models of EVA bonus motivation mechanism. These will settle much better unification and optimization problems between the aim of corporation and managers. 本文在简要的分析传统的奖金激励机制和股票期权的特点和不足的基础上,设计和分析了3个EVA奖金激励机制模型,以便更好的解决企业目标和管理人员目标的统一和优化问题。
This paper deals with the problem of "Principal-Agent" in the public listed company in China by using Executive Stock Options ( ESO) to replace traditional requitals such as salary bonus and welfare. 本文针对委托&代理关系,探讨了我国上市公司实行经理股票期权(ESO)逐步取代传统的工资、奖金和福利等薪酬形式。
In the market, how a listed company distributes its stock bonus in cash is focused on all the time. 上市公司分派现金股利问题一直是市场各方关注的焦点。
As the core of financial management of the public company, capital structure and stock bonus policy is attracting the attention of number of experts, scholars and stockholders. 资本结构和股利政策作为上市公司财务管理的核心内容受到了众多专家、学者及股东的关注。
Employee's Compensation Incentive in the Future: Combination of Stock Option Plan and Employee Profit Sharing& Stock Bonus 未来薪酬激励:股票期权与分红配股并行
The article uses The Least Value Theory and the modified Black-Scholes Model which considering the complexion of stock bonus. 本文应用最小价值原理以及考虑到股票发行红利的情况对Black-Scholes期权定价模型进行修正,得出可转换债券价值应等于纯债券价值和转换价值两者中较大者,与期权价值之和。
In June 2000, Taiwan Ministry of Finance proposed to tax the employee stock bonus by its market value, which evoked extensive discussions. 而台湾财政部于2000年6月提出员工分红配股按实价课税的构想,亦引起各界广泛的讨论。
This research paper is focused on "employee stock bonus" and "employee stock option" accounting studies. 本研究即针对员工分红配股与员工认股选择权的会计处理问题加以探讨,期能提出意见供有关单位参考。
From that we find that executive option has stock price increase incentive effect, risk increase incentive effect and bonus rate decrease incentive effect. 根据标准定价模型,我们发现经理股票期权具有股票价格增加激励效应、风险增加激励效应、股利率降低激励效应,我们还对卜一标准股票期权和非标准股票期权的激励效应进行了比较分析。
The concept of stock dividend is bonus issue and Accumulation Fund Turning to increase subscribed. 所谓送转,是指以红股作为股利派发和转增股本。